This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Proyect number: 2020-1-ES01-KA202-082685
The first transnational meeting of the Elmet project should have been held in Vitoria, where the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Alava is located. This first start-up meeting of the project meant the sharing of the first steps of our roadmap: the management plan, communication plan, dissemination plan, evaluation plan, risk management plan…, were some of the tools that we reviewed and worked together. The detailed IO1 development plan was also presented, setting out the next steps to shape its development. The start-up of the project website, social networks and all the image that will accompany us to the end of the project.
The third transnational meeting was initially planned in Bulgaria, which again we were forced to hold in a virtual manner. The beta version of the Toolkit is ready. We review it, prepare the beta testing and share the work strategy around the test, which is the next phase of the project. It is the opportunity for our target group, trainers in the field of Vocational Training for Employment, to test the toolkit and give us their feedback on it. As always, we review the status of the project in terms of dissemination and evaluation
Everything goes as planned and we are anxious because you can start testing the result of our work, hence the public call to participate in the test will begin in December.
In addition to the transnational meetings, the Elmet project partners have held regular online meetings, which have allowed us to share the different advances of the project.
Although we tried to meet face-to-face, the fourth transnational meeting was also held virtually. In this last official meeting, our main objective was to discuss among all the partners the ELMET Toolkit testing sessions carried out in all the partner countries (Spain, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) where the project has had an excellent feedback, as well as to agree together on the changes and improvements to be made in order to obtain the final version of the materials.
We are now in the countdown of the project, but we still have some months of work ahead... in September we will meet again in one of our regular online meetings and we will organise Multiplier Events in all countries, which we encourage you to attend!
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